The End from the Beginning

Midweek Studies

August 22, 2023

7:00 PM

Where: CCFM Sanctuary

Come learn and examine truths in preparation for the upcoming fall study of the book of Revelation by Jack Nakashima of Ariel Ministries.

Contact Jack Nakashima with questions. (
Childcare provided.

July 11: Covenants and Administrations
July 18: God’s Calendar
July 25: Dreams of the Future
Aug. 1: Messianic Prophecy
Aug. 8: Israel’s Return and Crisis
Aug. 15: The Rapture
Aug. 22: Jesus' Prophesies the Future

Jack Nakashima

Come learn and examine truths in preparation for the upcoming fall study of the book of Revelation by Jack Nakashima of Ariel Ministries.