Welcome to Children’s Ministry

Children are welcomed and valued at Calvary Chapel Fort Mill!

“Let the little children come to Me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 NIV

It is our desire to continually affirm how Jesus treasures children through all we do at CCFM Kids’ Ministry.

Children's Ministry

"And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness."

Children's Ministry

What to expect

Each Sunday during service we minister to children from infants through 5th grade. CCFM Kids’ Ministry seeks to

  • Provide a safe environment where children are loved well
  • Teach children about God and His Word in a way that is
    • Engaging and understandable for their age
    • Faithful to the truth of the Scriptures
  • Partner with parents in the spiritual development of their children

Our focus in CCFM Kids’ Ministry is to build relationships with children and their families and teach the Word so children grow to

Know Him. Love Him. Follow Him.

That means we want nothing more than for each child to come to a saving knowledge of Christ, grow in their love for Him, and choose to follow and obey Him, all the days of their life.

If you have any questions about our CCFM Kids’ Ministry, we’d love to connect with you! Please contact Lisa or Leanne below.

lisa-howell copy

Administration, Children's Ministry Leader

Lisa Howell

Born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and a graduate of Penn State, I headed for warmer weather and moved to South Florida after college. I had no idea at the time how it would change my life – and my eternity!
Leanne Stauss

Children's Ministry Leader, Overflow Youth Ministry

Leanne Stauss

I have been in youth ministry for decades and then, in 2014, God surprised me by calling me to coordinate Children’s Ministry. It is a joy to teach elementary kids about God, His Word, His love for them, and His plan to rescue sinners! I also have the honor of helping my husband lead Overflow, our youth ministry for 6th-12th graders.