Our Story

Calvary Chapel Fort Mill started in 2010 in the home of Gary and Lisa Howell. The members of that home fellowship met, worshiped, and prayed together for months before the Lord led them to officially start a new church.


Our Belief

It is our belief that the Holy Spirit still moves powerfully in the lives of believers today, bestowing His gifts upon them, and that He wants to do even more than we can imagine.


One of the most notable distinctions of Calvary Chapel is the focus on teaching through the Bible, chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse.


If you would like more information on the beliefs, philosophy, and distinctive’s of Calvary Chapel, please click here.


If you have further questions, please reach out to us online or come see us on Sunday!

Calvary Chapel Association

CCFM is part of the Calvary Chapel Association (CCA). As a member of the CCA (www.calvarycca.org), we are part of the rich history of a movement of God that began in California in 1965. From CCA:


In 1965, Pastor Chuck Smith began his ministry at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa with just 25 people. From the beginning, Pastor Chuck welcomed all, young and old, without judgment, placing his emphasis on the teaching of the Word of God. His simple, yet sound, biblical approach eventually drew 25,000 people weekly.


With a sincere concern for the lost, Pastor Chuck made room in his heart and his home for a generation of hippies and surfers, generating a movement of the Holy Spirit that spread from the West Coast to the East Coast, and now, throughout the world. What began as a small local church has now grown into an international ministry of over 1,800 fellowships throughout the world.