Vision & Mission
“Love God. Love People.” This is the vision of Calvary Chapel Fort Mill. This very simple focus comes from Jesus’ interaction with an “expert in the law”, found in Luke 10:25-37.
Many people think it’s easy to love God but find it hard to love people. After all, God is perfect and people are not! Scripture always ties love and obedience together; you can’t have one without the other. If we love him, we will obey him – and his command to love others.
Our heart is that we do both well! We are not perfect at this by any stretch of the imagination, but we set this as our vision.
In Matthew 22:36-40, Jesus said to a teacher of the law that all the Law and Prophets hang on these two things. We believe that focusing on loving God and loving people will bring everything else into its proper place.
What does “Love God. Love People.” look like? Let me describe that to you in our Mission Statement.

Loving God
One way we love God is by our worship of him. We believe in heartfelt participation in the worship of God! This can be in corporate singing, prayer, service, giving, and obedience.
The Word
Jesus said, “If any man says he loves me, but does not obey me, he is a liar and the truth is not in him.” In order to obey God, you must first know what he requires, therefore we place a priority on teaching God’s word and hold to teaching the Bible chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse. This provides contextual learning of the whole counsel of God.
Loving People
We also believe that, if we love God, we will love the things that he loves – namely people!
We seek to love people by serving, teaching, sharing, engaging, listening, and praying. We do this through Sunday morning services, midweek studies and fellowships. We give to foreign and local missions, as well as providing through our benevolence ministry.
At Calvary Chapel Fort Mill, it is wonderful to see that our body of believers reaches out to others with help simply because they became aware of a need. The love that pours forth, for God and others, speaks to our true desire to become a family!
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